Chika’s Blog

暮らしを整えたい (Getting My Life in Order)

I’ve been feeling like my life’s a bit out of sync, so I tidied up the living room. Of course, it’ll probably be cluttered with papers and textbooks again in no time.

Too Many Study Materials in Progress

There are so many study materials in progress—homework waiting to be done, assignments that need grading, graded assignments I haven’t explained to the kids yet, quizzes to prepare for the next class, and math textbooks my husband is handling. They’re scattered all over the dining table and study, and I’m constantly chasing the kids to get them to study, whether it’s in the morning or right before bed. If I don’t figure out where to put things based on their status, there’s no way I’m going to get everything neatly organized.

Life Feels Chaotic

「お気に入りのティーセットでほっと一息」なんてセンテンスが全く似合わない我が家。朝3杯分入れたコーヒーを昼までにがぶ飲みして仕事にまい進している。仕事用のデスクの上は片付いているけれど、自分のTo doはしっちゃかめっちゃか。To do listを作って管理はしているけれど、どれも簡単に片付く仕事じゃない。
The phrase “taking a break with a favorite tea set” couldn’t be further from my reality. I brew a pot of coffee in the morning and gulp it down by noon while powering through work. My work desk might be tidy, but my personal to-dos are all over the place. I do keep a to-do list, but nothing on it is quick or easy to check off.

My job is supposed to be from 9 to 4, but I end up working from 8:30 until almost 7. After that, I immediately start cooking, but I can’t make anything elaborate. Even then, dinner isn’t ready until after 7, and by the time the kids finish eating, it’s well past 8:30. Then it’s time for them to study, and the whole schedule just keeps getting pushed back.

On weekends, the only chores I manage are washing linens, doing the kids’ school laundry, and some grocery shopping. I don’t do meal prep or have any sort of cleaning routine, so I never really feel recharged or ready for the week ahead.

I’m Terrible at Meal Planning

No matter how many apps I download, I’m terrible at meal planning. The dinner plan constantly changes depending on how work is going or what the kids’ soccer schedule looks like. I end up neglecting the apps, and my handwritten notes are embarrassingly basic. Plus, what I want to eat and what the kids will eat are so different that I often end up making two different main dishes, which just adds to the hassle.

It All Comes Down to Time Management

I’ve heard that people with wealth really value time management. If I can manage my time better, I feel like I can cut out a lot of inefficiencies and live a more organized life. So, I grabbed one of those graph notebooks I had lying around and set up a vertical schedule from 5 PM to midnight on weekdays and 6 AM to midnight on weekends. I’m filling in my personal tasks, housework, and the time I spend helping the kids with their studies.

I have lots of tasks to do, but I can’t seem to fill up the schedule because my younger son’s weekend soccer plans don’t get set until later in the week. I haven’t sorted out meal planning either, but just jotting down whether we’ll have chicken, pork, or beef makes me feel a bit better. For my son’s studies, I’m making checklists for each subject and assignment so I don’t miss anything. I just have to make sure I don’t give up after three days. That’s probably the most important thing.